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English Transfer Associate Degree

AST Associate of Science Transfer Degree
type of award
2 Years
total Credits
Financial Aid Available
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More than words, define your path in English at CCC 

Do you have a passion for the written word? Does the power of storytelling and the beauty of language captivate you? 

Then the Associate of Science degree with an emphasis in English at Clackamas Community College is the perfect place to start your academic journey. This program is specifically designed for students like you, who dream of pursuing a bachelor's degree in literature, creative writing or publishing at Portland State University

Fuel your passion for English 

This program goes beyond textbooks. You will delve into the rich world of literature, analyzing classic works and exploring the magic of storytelling. You will hone your creative writing skills, learning to craft captivating narratives and express yourself with power and clarity. Additionally, you will gain insights into the fascinating world of publishing, preparing you to make your mark on the literary landscape. 

Is this program for you? 

If you find yourself captivated by the written word, yearn to explore the wonders of literature and dream of leaving your mark on the world through your writing, then this program is your perfect first step. 

For detailed description and learning outcomes for this program, view the course catalog.


Required classes for the English Associate of Science Transfer Degree

The English Transfer Degree program at Clackamas Community College equips you with the foundational skills and knowledge to succeed in a four-year English program at Portland State University. Click the button below to see what course requirements and electives are part of this program. 

English Associate of Science Transfer Classes

Job Outlook

Write your own journey with an English degree 

An English Emphasis Transfer Degree prepares you not only for success in transferring to PSU's English programs but also for a thriving career in today's job market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a steady growth for occupations requiring strong communication and analytical skills.  

The critical thinking, research and communication skills you develop will be highly sought after by employers across various industries. With an English Transfer Degree, you can explore a wide range of career paths, including content creation, communications, publishing, public relations, marketing, research and project management, journalism and public policy. 

The National Association of Colleges and Employers recognizes the value of an English degree, ranking it among the top-paying liberal arts majors with average starting salaries exceeding $50,000. Furthermore, the skills honed through English studies can lead to significant salary growth over time. 

For more information on career opportunities for this program, view the course catalog.


Command the art of language with an English Transfer Degree 

The English Transfer Degree program at Clackamas Community College equips you with more than just knowledge of literature. You should graduate with skills to excel in your academic journey and future career. Here's what you can expect to gain: 


  • Identify research methods: Learn to tailor research strategies to specific topics, mastering the art of finding credible and relevant information.  
  • Analyze with precision: Develop the ability to dissect a variety of texts, from classic literature to contemporary articles, through close reading and critical analysis.  


  • Craft persuasive arguments: Construct compelling arguments that showcase your understanding of rhetorical devices and how to connect with diverse audiences.  
  • Refine your work: Learn the importance of revision and editing. You will receive valuable feedback from peers and instructors, allowing you to refine your writing and polish your communication style.
  • Collaborate with others: Develop strong collaboration skills by working with classmates on writing projects and presentations. 

Tap into your creative potential 

  • Explore creative writing: This program fosters your creative spirit. You will have the opportunity to complete creative writing projects such as short plays, screenplays, poems, creative nonfiction pieces, short stories or even graphic novel text. 

Beyond the classroom

  • Independent publishing demystified: Gain an understanding of the independent publishing and production landscape, equipping you with valuable knowledge for navigating the world outside the classroom. 
  • Publishing pathways: You will explore opportunities for professional publishing and production, potentially laying the groundwork for your future career path. 

The skills developed in the English Emphasis, AS Degree program are highly sought after by employers across a variety of fields. With a strong foundation in research, analysis, communication, collaboration and creative expression, you should be well-positioned to achieve success in your academic pursuits and future endeavors. 

For more information on expected learning outcomes of successfully completing this program, view the course catalog.


Investing in your future

Starting your education at Clackamas Community College is a smart choice that saves you money on your path to a bachelor degree from a four-year university.

CCC offers some of the lowest tuition rates in the Portland metro area. To begin building the cost for your program, you can start with the base estimate below. 

This estimate includes the cost of tuition and the general fees applied per class and per academic term. This estimate does not include additional fees required for many courses or the cost of course materials. Contact the program to learn more about additional costs that may apply. 

You can also find more information about the costs of attending CCC on the Tuition and Fees page.

Get help paying for college

Scholarships and grants (free money!) are available for students in this program. For help with financial aid and scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Resource Lab.  


Transfer Options

Seamlessly transfer to a four-year university 

If you are thinking about starting your four-year education at CCC, you are making a smart choice! You can save thousands of dollars on your education while taking classes that can transfer to another college or university.  
The Associate of Science is intended for students interested in pursuing a bachelor's degree at a specific institution, or in a specific major, or both. Completing an Associate of Science degree does not guarantee acceptance into schools or departments that have special admissions requirements. 

Students are highly encouraged to meet with an advisor from both their community college and their intended university to ensure efficiency and course relevance for any particular program and degree.

Learn more about transfer degrees 

More and more students are discovering the best place to begin a bachelor's degree is at a community college. Research shows that community college transfer students are equally if not more likely to graduate than other students, including at the most selective universities. Our transfer degrees can fit seamlessly with many four-year degree paths beyond Clackamas. CCC students transfer to a number of in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities, including public and private schools.  

To learn more, visit our Transfer Degrees page.

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